
Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake.

Henry David Thoreau

wind on my face - Thursday, July 29, 2010 @ 8:20 AM
I saw this bike while I was waiting for my car to be repaired at a workshop last week.

Years ago, on my virgin solo backpacking trip to Thailand, some Brits were supposed to teach me how to ride one at some island. Well, that did not materialise because of our conflicting schedules.

Call me paranoid but if I had a kid, I would seriously not allow him or her to ride a motorbike. I have just seen too many accidents on the roads - most of them involving biker deaths. No matter how careful you are, anyone can end up a road statistic due to the other motorist's slight misjudgement.

Well, would that stop me from learning to bike when I get the chance again overseas? Hmmm....

Oh, I have just watched a hilarious segment on the building of homes around the Hollywood sign on some talk show. I will put that up later in the day!

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