don't wow me with your dramatics, your speech, your statistics, your excuses; you want my loyalty, my vote of confidence? show me your commitment to promises made; your follow-up actions; your willingness to treasure relationships above the busyness; else we might as well be some flash-bang politicians blowing their trumpets only to echo their shallow
don't wow me with your dramatics, your speech, your statistics, your excuses; you want my loyalty, my vote of confidence? show me your commitment to promises made; your follow-up actions; your willingness to treasure relationships above the busyness; else we might as well be some flash-bang politicians blowing their trumpets only to echo their shallow
Your tagboard codes here. Width <500px. Strongly recommend cbox. It would be best if your tagboard was centralised if it's real small. Otherwise it would just look plain weirddd with triple 'd's!