
Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake.

Henry David Thoreau

- Tuesday, October 26, 2010 @ 11:55 PM
Stanley Ho

Stanley Ho swears tt Spunky wld make a good flanker the way she tackles Sprite for the rubber bone like a rugby ball in the fetch game.

Monday at 7:21pm · ·
    • Timothy Lim trial and error with SA team.
      Monday at 7:31pm ·
    • Stanley Ho ah?
      Monday at 7:59pm ·
    • Diana Ma I wanna see Spunky soon! She is probably more ethusiastic than Sprite?
      Tuesday at 7:10pm ·
    • Stanley Ho younger n more spritely indeed. like comparing 13 yo with 21 yo
      Tuesday at 10:36pm ·
    • Diana Ma wow. I would like to see if for myself. (and gear up for it)
      Tuesday at 11:13pm ·

Stanley Ho What makes you live longer.

1) A man who is married to a woman. Interestingly, it makes no difference to a woman whether she is married or single.
2) For a man, each daughter increases a man's life by 74 weeks.
3) For a woman, each child of either sex takes 95 weeks off a woman's life.
4) Friends make you live longer than family members.

American Journal of Human Biology, on Good For You

Monday at 1:29pm · ·
Stanley Ho

Stanley Ho Kids brought up with pets have stronger immune systems and suffer from fewer allegies and asthmatic conditions.

Monday at 7:53am · ·
    • Stanley Ho ‎~ What's Good For You
      Monday at 7:54am ·
    • Reuben Lim Huh? Really? What correlation is there? Why?
      Monday at 11:48am ·
    • Stanley Ho results by Aus health prog on ch5 1030m. i assume = build up resistence? like wad my mom used to say, the more sanitised the environmt a kid grows up (esp today), the less resistence they deve to allegens?
      Monday at 12:53pm ·

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